PLEXIGLAS®  Polycarbonat Stegplatten
PLEXIGLAS® Polycarbonat Stegplatten
PLEXIGLAS® Farben Struktur
PLEXIGLAS® Farben Struktur
PLEXIGLAS® Rundstab Rohr
PLEXIGLAS® Rundstab Rohr
PLEXIGLAS® Farben Fluoreszierend Struktur Wellplatte Stegplatte
PLEXIGLAS® Farben Fluoreszierend Struktur Wellplatte Stegplatte
PLEXIGLAS® Rundstäbe
PLEXIGLAS® Rundstäbe
PLEXIGLAS® Stegplatten Wellplatten
PLEXIGLAS® Stegplatten Wellplatten
PLEXIGLAS® Fluoreszierend
PLEXIGLAS® Fluoreszierend
PLEXIGLAS® Satiniert Satinice
PLEXIGLAS® Satiniert Satinice

With our certified quality management system we can guarantee a reliable and professional order processing and customer service as well as high quality products.

The annual quality check carried out by the certified institution "Qualitäts-Handwerk Tirol®" monitors the high standards in terms of customer orientation, leadership management and order processing.

The wide range of plastics and the combination of different materials offer various design options and a lot of individuality in the planning process.

We will be pleased to support you in these matters and put your creative ideas into practice!

Adhesive technology

When gluing plastics, especially PLEXIGLAS®, we can refer to 35 years of experience. Our company glues all standard plastics such as PLEXIGLAS®, polycarbonate, polystyrene, PVC, PU or PE